Condor: Guidance Council
Condor: Guidance Council
Affiliation(s)/ Institution
Pavia University. Italy
Email addresses
Project funded by
Pavia Province
Promoter name and country
Pavia University. Italy
Type of provider
Area of implementation
- urban
Context and motivation of the project - legislative background/obligations, institutional policy, institutional structures
The project Con.D.Or. is a response to the request of some schools to have a tool of easy administration and analysis, aimed at providing useful information on the choice of secondary school degree. The questionnaire does not provide a council of guidance (defined as the description of the school recommended to attend), but plans to provide students with a guidance profile, that returns to the students their strengths and weaknesses compared to the surveyed areas.
Aims of the project
To accompany the choice at secondary school level, through the involvement of students, parents and teachers, in order to promote self-awareness and awareness of their skills.
Target group
- parents
- Teachers
Description of the target group
Students of second and third grade of secondary school, their parents and teachers.
Staff (selection, evaluation, training, promotion)
The project included training and continuous monitoring for the teachers involved, interventions in the classroom with students to promote competence through experiential workshop activities and the structuring of information desk for parents, individually or training session.
Methodological approach, activities implemented
Methodology: administering questionnaires (students, parents and teachers) and return of individual and class profile. Training sessions for teachers and outreach to parents. Laboratory activities in the classroom. Creating guides on guidance for students, parents and teachers. Opening an online platform "guidance to growth."
Results and impact - data of program internal/ external evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction, the impact of the didactical practices at individual and institutional level
From 2012 we turned to the student population of about 3,000 students . In 2014, students who participated in the completion of the questionnaire were 3250 students belonging to schools in the Province of Pavia, with a total of 29 members and 3 comprehensive schools Private Schools. About 730 parents have joined the compilation of Con.D.Or. Parents and 290 teachers in Con.D.Or. Guidance guides have been distributed around 2500 (addressed to all the schools of the province, also not involved in the project). They were conducted about 230 interviews in comparison with their parents. Of these, about 80 have seen the presence of parents with their children. The project has proved useful and well received by both the school and the families.
Conclusions, lessons learned
The project has been renewed for the next years, it has proved to be a valuable tool for individual students for their choise of education, while providing guidance to teachers to promote a lifelong guidance
Directions of further development/ Transferability, replicability
The experience mediated web channels and pre-structured guides can be easily replicated in other contexts. It is taking place the monitoring of students' careers, to prevent school leaving
Web references (url, social media presence)
Parameters on which the practice is applicable (check those appropriate)
- Governance and coordination
- Accessibility
- Methodologies of provision
- Objectives and needs
- Competences and skills for practitioners
- Evaluation of performance and effectiveness
• Blustein, D.L. (2001). Extending the reach of vocational psychology: toward an inclusive and integrative psychology of working. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59, 171-182. • Ferrari, L., Nota, L. e Soresi, S. (2007). Il ruolo della famiglia e del supporto percepito sullo sviluppo professionale. In S. Soresi (a cura di), Orientamento alle scelte: Rassegne, ricerche, strumenti ed applicazioni. Firenze: Giunti O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali. • Gualdi, G., Zanetti, M.A. e Marcarini, M. (2014). Miti e Credenze sulla scuola secondaria di secondo grado: la voce degli studenti, gli insegnanti e i genitori. Relazione presentata al XIV Congresso Nazionale Orientamento alla Scelta, Pavia. • Gualdi, G., Zanetti, M.A. e Sacchi, F. (2014). Con.D.Or.: orientare gli studenti della scuola secondaria di primo grado, gli insegnanti e i genitori. Relazione presentata al XIV Congresso Nazionale Orientamento alla Scelta, Pavia. • Nota, L., Ginevra, M.C., Ferrari, L., e Soresi, S. (2012). “Il futuro dei figli”: uno strumento per misurare il supporto fornito dai genitori ai processi di scelta e progettazione del futuro scolastico-professionale dei figli”. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell’Orientamento, 13, 3-17. • Zanetti, M.A. e Gualdi, G. (2014). Orientare le competenze. Relazione presentata alla Giornata di studio Orientare per il Futuro, Pavia.