Barcelona Orienta Agreement
Barcelona Orienta Agreement
Affiliation(s)/ Institution
Ajuntament de Barcelona - Fundació BCN Formació Professional
Email addresses
Project funded by
Institut Municipal d’Educació/Ajuntament de Barcelona
Promoter name and country
Ajuntament de Barcelona (España)
Type of provider
Area of implementation
- local
Context and motivation of the project - legislative background/obligations, institutional policy, institutional structures
In the European context, career guidance is considered, at political and social level, as a key element when it comes to tackling the main challenges raised in the Europe 2020 Strategy in the areas of education and training: reducing early school leaving, encouraging public participation in professional training, qualification and updating processes (lifelong learning); and improving current and future employability. Barcelona has a long track record of developing guidance programmes. These services are organised by the Barcelona Education Consortium (CEB) through its different departments, as well as through public and private institutions that provide guidance for a range of ages from children to adults. Understanding the importance of career guidance, Barcelona is proactive and determined when it comes to making this guidance available for public use. It has established a joint strategy between the different agents involved that makes it possible to join efforts to offer efficient, consistent and high quality services and resources.
Aims of the project
1. Coordinated work between the different agents involved to create a system of services that is consistent, broad and adaptable to the guidance needs of the public. 2. Improvement of access to services and resources available to the public and promotion of career guidance as a lifelong process. 3. Making the public themselves the focus of these measures to guarantee a holistic approach and flexible, personalised service, consistent with the different transitions that take place within and between the spheres of education, training and work. 4. Offering a high quality range of services and resources, generating knowledge regarding quality management within guidance processes in order to improve both planning and guidance activities themselves. 5. Fostering programmes for the improvement of skills, promoting the acquisition of competencies by the public to give them the skills they need to make and implement their own decisions and transitions throughout their lives.
Target group
- students
- parents
- Guidance practitioners
- Teachers
Description of the target group
The city’s institutions and organisations involved in guidance processes, services and resources (bearing in mind that the Agreement is the framework for participation, coordination, public-private cooperation and joint action).
Staff (selection, evaluation, training, promotion)
A technical secretary to promote the Agreement and oversee the working groups.
Methodological approach, activities implemented
The Agreement has been signed by some 45 organisations (and is also open to new ones) that are split into working groups based around the five objectives, in order to propose an annual work plan to be approved by the annual plenary session. The Agreement has a technical secretary who facilitates and supports the groups.
Results and impact - data of program internal/ external evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction, the impact of the didactical practices at individual and institutional level
The Agreement was signed in December 2014 and there are plans to approve the first 2015-2016 work plan. There are still no data on the impact.
Conclusions, lessons learned
All the organisations have taken a very active role and agree on the need for coordination and consensus in order to work more efficiently.
Directions of further development/ Transferability, replicability
The Agreement may be replicated in any city with concerns regarding career guidance.
Type of ESL (early school leaving) practice
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Compensation
Web references (url, social media presence)
Parameters on which the practice is applicable (check those appropriate)
- Governance and coordination