Eina Guidance Tool
Eina Guidance Tool
Affiliation(s)/ Institution
Ajuntament de Badia del Vallès
Email addresses
camachoap@badiadelvalles.net ; campsss@badiadelvalles.net
Project funded by
Ajuntament de Badia del Vallès // Diputació de Barcelona // Unió Europea
Promoter name and country
Ajuntament de Badia del Vallès // Espanya
Partner(s) name and country (if applicable)
In the subproject @ppor: Department de la Sein-Saint-Denis (França) and Landkreis Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Alemanya
Type of provider
Area of implementation
- urban
- local
Context and motivation of the project - legislative background/obligations, institutional policy, institutional structures
According to data collected by the observatory on educational outcomes, over the past five years, in Badia del Vallès (a municipality with 13,553 inhabitants), around 45% of secondary school students repeated at least one year of their secondary school education, and the number of students without qualifications is around 40%. These figures do not improve if we analyse the post-compulsory education outcomes, where a high number of young people are early leavers. The strategy required is to promote short-, mid- and long-term training routes to help increase the number of young people with post-compulsory training, and to work on the competencies that lead to developing successful training pathways (hence the importance of guidance and support processes). The Council’s priority must be to guarantee not only the right to a schooling, but also the right to education and academic success. In our municipality, we have been working along these lines since 2006, when the Eina guidance tool was created within the framework of the local educational plan (PEE), which features the participation of all the agents from the educational community.
Aims of the project
1. encourage the creation of life projects 2. promote short-, mid- and long-term training routes 3. encourage an increase in the number of young people with post-compulsory training 4. work on the competencies that lead to developing successful training pathways
Target group
- students
- parents
- Guidance practitioners
- Teachers
Description of the target group
Students aged 12 and over. Young people who are early school leavers. Families. Tutors from educational centres as guidance counsellors. Municipal organisations that take on young people for work experience, service-learning (APS), etc.
Staff (selection, evaluation, training, promotion)
Technical staff from the Council’s Department of Education and other professionals from the region: adolescent educators, social welfare educators, youth workers, employment advisers, professionals from educational centres, etc.
Methodological approach, activities implemented
Educational support: young people as the main focus of all activities, supported at all times by professionals who will channel their interests and motivations. Individual and group activities depending on the area and objective. Coordinated work between the municipality’s different educational agents. Activities: A. Observatory to monitor the municipality’s educational outcomes: longitudinal analysis of the outcomes of the population schooled in the educational establishments of Badia. B. Eina service: Individual support in creating a life project. Also for young people registered with the Youth Guarantee (Garantia Juvenil) programme. Support for families. C. Guidance workshops aimed all students in their third and fourth years of compulsory secondary education (ESO), run by municipal technicians and teachers; D. guidance and monitoring activities in the Training and Insertion Programmes (PFIs) and Adult Training Centres (CFAs); and E. specific supplementary projects (for creating life projects): FYEVB: a project that aims to provide support and improve the social, personal and emotional skills of students in their second year of ESO. Activities: Mindfulness, service-learning (APS) and entrepreneurship, guidance and support for families; @ppor; project to improve the socio-occupational skills of students in their third and fourth years of ESO. Activities: Visits to companies, workshops on professional skills, in-company work experience, guidance workshops. F. Use of a specific app to monitor and support young people. G. For the entire population: municipal campaign to encourage people to create a life project.
Results and impact - data of program internal/ external evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction, the impact of the didactical practices at individual and institutional level
A. Educational outcomes: positive trend in the number of students receiving a high school diploma at the expected age: 34.75% of the children born in 1994 received their compulsory secondary education diplomas at the expected age, while for those born in 1997, this figure was 56.10%. Negative trend in the number of students repeating a year of compulsory secondary education: from 54.47% of students born in 1994 repeating at least one year, to 37.14% for those born in 1997. B. Support for young people within the service: 198 young people have received support. 78.79% of the young people have defined a training route, 7.58% have found a job, 7.07% are actively seeking work and 6.57% have been unable to define a clear route and are still being monitored. C. Guidance workshops: Participation of all students in their third and fourth years of ESO in the municipality. Positive rating (4 out of 5). 83.46% of students in their fourth year of ESO are clear about the training route they are going to take (May ’15). The teachers rate the usefulness of these workshops at 4.25/5, rating their content at 4.5/5. D. Support for families: Rated very positively. 90% of family members feel they are able to better understand their children, while 100% believe that taking part in the sessions has provided them with more tools. 100% would recommend the sessions. E. @ppor: Participation of 42 students in their third and fourth years of ESO and four teachers from the guidance department. 100% of the collaborating companies will continue in the project next year. 74.5% of the companies gave a rating of 7 or higher, and the rest 6 or higher. The participating students rated the experience very highly and would repeat the in-company work placements. Positive rating: 87.5% of the students gave it a rating of 8 or higher. F. FYEVB: Participation of 17 students in the first, second and third years of ESO and four teachers and a social integration technician from the two secondary schools. By participating in the project, the young people have improved their social skills and competencies, their self-esteem and their personal skills in general.
Conclusions, lessons learned
Providing guidance is not the same as providing information. Guidance must be provided throughout people’s lives. Guidance is a collective task to be performed by the local educational network, with the aim of capturing the potential of the local community. Guidance needs to be provided: from a very young age; to all children; as an ongoing process (not a one-off service); from different knowledge areas; with families; on a regional basis, collaborating with the different agents; integrated within the work of educational centres, not just by teams of guidance councillors.
Directions of further development/ Transferability, replicability
All the activities developed have the potential to be transferred to other regions. They have been up and running for many years (10).
Type of ESL (early school leaving) practice
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Compensation
Web references (url, social media presence)
Facebook del Servei l’Eina: https://www.facebook.com/serveiorientacioeina Cultivem l’educació; blog dels serveis educatius al municipi: http://educabadia.cat/ Pla educatiu d’entorn; blog del pla educatiu d’entorn: https://peebadia.wordpress.com/https://peebadia.wordpress.com/ @ppor: blog del projecte europeu: https://atppor.wordpress.com/ FYEVB: blog del projecte europeu: https://fyevb.wordpress.com/
Parameters on which the practice is applicable (check those appropriate)
- Governance and coordination
- Accessibility
- Methodologies of provision
- Measures and profiles
- Objectives and needs
- Competences and skills for practitioners
- Common framework and quality standards
- Evaluation of performance and effectiveness
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