Aprenents (Apprenticeship) Project – TET
Aprenents (Apprenticeship) Project – TET
Affiliation(s)/ Institution
Ajuntament de Sant Vicenç dels Horts
Email addresses
Project funded by
Ajuntament de Sant Vicenç dels Horts (amb el suport de Diputació de Barcelona)
Promoter name and country
Ajuntament de Sant Vicenç dels Horts – Catalunya
Type of provider
Area of implementation
- urban
- local
Context and motivation of the project - legislative background/obligations, institutional policy, institutional structures
Launched at the end of the ’90s within the context of school failure rates of over 35% in compulsory secondary education (ESO). It was decided to implement a local TET (School-to-Work Transition) programme to prevent early school leaving and to guide and support young people at risk of dropping out by establishing a transfer protocol between the secondary school and the municipal and local TET services. A strategic programme was created, driven by the Local Education Network, with municipal leadership, through the transversal work of the various agents who make up the network (municipal technicians, educational centres, social organisations, educational services and inspectors from the Department of Education of the Catalan Government).
Aims of the project
Offer educational alternatives that allow for more personalised assistance, with different organisational models depending on the characteristics of the students and the environment in which the educational activities are carried out.
Target group
- students
Description of the target group
Alumnes dels instituts del municipi d’entre 14 i 18 anys en risc de fracàs escolar i abandonament prematur.
Staff (selection, evaluation, training, promotion)
Teachers from schools, the students’ tutors, educators from the partner organisation, private partner companies.
Methodological approach, activities implemented
Students in the third year of ESO take pre-work orientation modules (brief workshops to introduce them to different professions, implemented through curriculum adaptation) in a socio-educational organisation, accompanied by tutors from the school. When they reach their fourth year of ESO, curriculum adaptation is applied to give them 10 hours per week in private companies that participate in the project on a not-for-profit basis. These curriculum adaptations mean that an average of 70% of students participating in the project are able to receive an ESO diploma.
Results and impact - data of program internal/ external evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction, the impact of the didactical practices at individual and institutional level
We have a TET observatory that has been running since the 1999-2000 academic year and that collects data on successful completion of ESO and on guidance for students. This observatory shows that the evolution over the different academic years has been very positive thanks to the different assistance programmes. Since the 2006-2007 academic year, the rate of students achieving ESO diplomas has been over 80%, with even better results of over 90% for 2013-2014. All of this is the result of the different assistance programmes for students with difficulties.
Conclusions, lessons learned
The importance of networks in the socio-educational sphere. It builds trust between the different agents in the region, while making it possible to offer more comprehensive solutions and to optimise resources. These networks must be formalised in order to consolidate them. It is also worth highlighting the importance of municipal leadership in sustaining the programmes.
Directions of further development/ Transferability, replicability
Step up the work performed by the network by incorporating more agents (manufacturing sector, volunteers, etc.). It is also important to prevent students from dropping out of post-compulsory education, as completing this stage of training is what makes the difference between having good opportunities for transitioning to the labour market or not having any.
Type of ESL (early school leaving) practice
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Compensation
Web references (url, social media presence)
Parameters on which the practice is applicable (check those appropriate)
- Governance and coordination
- Methodologies of provision
- Measures and profiles
- Objectives and needs
- Competences and skills for practitioners
- Evaluation of performance and effectiveness
• LONGAS,J.;FONTANET,A; BOSCH, M. (2007): La organización en red como respuesta a las necesidades socioeducativas de una comunidad. El caso de Sant Vicenç dels Horts. Educación Social, núm. 36, mayo-agosto, p.52-69 • MOGA, A.; BOSCH, M. (2008): El treball en xarxa, una oportunitat per a l’escola, la comunitat i el territori. Guix, núm.341, gener • FONTANET, A; BOSCH, M (2008): Red local de atención a la Transición Escuela Trabajo en Sant Vicenç dels Horts, 10 años de experiencia.Cultura y Educación,marzo