Adopt a student
Adopt a student
Affiliation(s)/ Institution
College of Psychiko
Email addresses
Project funded by
The school
Promoter name and country
College of Psychiko - Greece
Type of provider
Area of implementation
- urban
- local
Context and motivation of the project - legislative background/obligations, institutional policy, institutional structures
The College is a private school that is aimed at better education and psychosocial growing of the children. The Board College decided to adopt the program considering the positive results. It is a private initiative aimed at improving the cooperation between children. Children in the program learn to care for one another, to listen to their needs and in groups to try to solve possible problems students.
Aims of the project
The program aims to foster emulation among students, as well as the responsibility and empathy. The older children take care of one student of the a or b-grade class and considered the "guardian" in the school environment
Target group
- students
Description of the target group
Students of primary school
Staff (selection, evaluation, training, promotion)
School teachers, psychologists and school counselors
Methodological approach, activities implemented
Group meetings of children with the psychologist and teachers for their information. Groups of two persons-students where the older student help the younger one in the lessons, or they discuss personal problems of the students and provide additional support.
Results and impact - data of program internal/ external evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction, the impact of the didactical practices at individual and institutional level
The results are very satisfactory both in students, and parents and teachers. Younger children feel more secure and accepted, while the oleer having under theire protection a younger student they feel that they have an upgraded role and get more self confident, especially when helping the younger student in his/her problems. Also, teachers notice that students are more clusters and learn to face their problems through communication. In general, this program has garnered positive feedback from families and in general also benefits the school's image and its programs.
Conclusions, lessons learned
It's a program that contributes to the emotional maturity of children, but also at fostering cooperation and communication.
Directions of further development/ Transferability, replicability
This program could be applied to higher classes and perhaps could help in the prevention of esl as children would stand the difficulties with the assistance of other children so they can create their strong relations
Type of ESL (early school leaving) practice
- Prevention
- Intervention
Parameters on which the practice is applicable (check those appropriate)
- Measures and profiles
- Objectives and needs