Project MEN.T.OR.E.: Tutoring, Mentoring and Guidance for Empowerment


Project MEN.T.OR.E.: Tutoring, Mentoring and Guidance for Empowerment

Affiliation(s)/ Institution

Metrica Società Cooperativa di Siena

Email addresses

Project funded by

Provincia di Siena con il concorso finanziario dell'Unione Europea, della Repubblica Italiana e della Regione Toscana

Promoter name and country

EuroBIC Toscana Sud di Poggibonsi ITALIA

Partner(s) name and country (if applicable)

Metrica Società Cooperativa di Siena - La Sfinge Srl di Chiusi

Type of provider


Area of implementation

  • urban
  • local

Context and motivation of the project - legislative background/obligations, institutional policy, institutional structures

The project is an experimental response to the complex phenomenon of early school leaving, the mentoring, in synergy with the vocational training and education programs for drop-out designed and implemented in Siena province. The project's actions intervene with adolescents almost always with irregular school attendance and at risk of failure even in vocational training path undertaken once a young has abandoned school, often for the recurrence of difficult situations that prevent the students to better express their aptitudes and potential. Currently territorial employment centers have in charge about 120 adolescents with these characteristics. In the specific case of the province of Siena it comes therefore to offer a complementary service to carry out training activities.

Aims of the project

Develop a socio-educational project of individualized intervention, allowing the youths to benefit from actions of prevention and / or reduction of discomfort, training support and with the support of a mentor

Target group

  • ESL
  • Guidance practitioners

Description of the target group

Young dropouts out of school before and after the completion of compulsory education

Staff (selection, evaluation, training, promotion)

The Staff of the project is one of the strengths of the same consists of professionals "top" in their areas of intervention: - the tutor of the law duty operating for nearly a decade in the ICC's territorial Province of Siena - educators more qualified who supported dropouts in their careers dedicated in the previous years - the staff of the School of consultants Mentoring of Florence, only Italian organization accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council "- the directors and coordinators

Methodological approach, activities implemented

Realization of actions and paths aimed at mentoring young dropouts included in training courses reserved for them. The action of mentoring requires that mentors, in a one to one relationship, establishing a relationship of trust with the mentee, supporting the keeping of educational choices, in the path of professionalisation in achieving the learning objectives and in addressing the difficulties and in conflict resolution. The courses will be highly personalized, with particular attenzone to vulnerable groups, such as young foreigners, through the specific intervention of mediators, and the disabled, with the support of specialists. The project has created an action character prototype that explores some possible scenarios for intervention and action configuration mentoring in the territory.

Results and impact - data of program internal/ external evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction, the impact of the didactical practices at individual and institutional level

The immediate use of mentoring as part of the two-year vocational courses for dropouts should consolidate the reduction in the number of adolecenti "charge" to the ICC authorities, freeing resources (in terms of time available for tutors of the right and duty ) for actions of a preventive nature aimed at reducing early school leaving. The intervention model improves the quality of training devices for the two years vocational IEFP allowing training agencies operating there to use mentoring as a development of the actions of tutoring classroom tutoring and internships.

Conclusions, lessons learned

The recipients of the interventions have had an advantage from the action of mentoring, improving stability with respect to training (reduced dropouts, more assiduous frequency), gaining greater self-esteem and awareness

Directions of further development/ Transferability, replicability

The investment on the tutor's right and duty, counselors and tutors on business, entrusting them with the role of mentor, it ensures continuity and stability, due to the persistence of these figures in the systems of employment

Type of ESL (early school leaving) practice

  • Prevention
  • Intervention
  • Compensation

Web references (url, social media presence) (Sistema MOODLE) - (Sistema di knowledge management)

Parameters on which the practice is applicable (check those appropriate)

  • Governance and coordination
  • Measures and profiles
  • Competences and skills for practitioners


- Borca G., Cattelino E., Bonino S., (2002), School failure and school dissatisfaction in adolescence/ Insuccesso e insoddisfazione scolastica in adolescenza. Età evolutiva, 71, 67-74 - D'Alessio M., Laghi F., Giacalone V., (2010), Mentoring e scuola. Teorie, modelli e metodologie di intervento a contrasto della dispersione scolastica, HOEPLI - Felice A., Delai N., De Vincentis M., Iraldo A.R., (2004), Guida al Mentoring: istruzioni per l'uso. Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali. - Felice A., Tagliavini A., (2004), CAMEO: Comparazione ed analisi del Mentoring in Europa, Milano, Franco Angeli - Gelli B.R., Mannarini T., (1999), Il Mentoring uno strumento contro la dispersione scolastica. Carrocci, Roma. - Giacalone V., (2004), "Il Mentoring nei percorsi di accompagnamento e mediazione sociale di giovani e di detenuti", Convegno Nazionale ISFOL in Roma 17 dicembre 2004. - Giacalone V., (2005) , Un approccio non formale alle difficoltà scolastiche (Tratto da L'accompagnamento per contrastare la dispersione Universitaria. Mentoring e Tutoring a sostegno per gli studenti). Libri del Fondo Sociale Europeo Ois Isfol. - Perchiazzi M., (2009), Apprendere il Mentoring. Manuale operativo per la formazione dei Mentor, Edizioni Transeuropa.

