

Affiliation(s)/ Institution

CFA Mpal l’Olivera (ajuntament de Sant Quirze del Vallès)

Email addresses

Project funded by

Diputació de Barcelona

Promoter name and country

Diputació de Barcelona (Spain)

Partner(s) name and country (if applicable)

Ajuntament de Sant Quirze del Vallès. Centre de Formació d’Adults Municipal l’Olivera (Spain)

Type of provider


Area of implementation

  • urban
  • local

Context and motivation of the project - legislative background/obligations, institutional policy, institutional structures

In the 2011-2012 school year, in the midst of the financial crisis, the demand for training was growing but resources were decreasing. Socially-speaking, resources were focused on unemployment and on how people with low levels of qualifications are hit especially hard. The council asked schools for a strategic plan that would prioritise teaching aimed at mitigating school failure and promoting access to the world of work, while bearing economic sustainability in mind. The teaching staff knows that the school is already working in this direction, but we are accountable for demonstrating what the school is actually doing with objective data. The faculty analyse what has been done and what is being done to work towards these goals, and obtains the following data: 34% of students are aged between 16 and 35 and 53% between 36 and 64. 19% are unemployed, while this figure is 44% in the preparation course for the intermediate-level vocational training entrance examinations. The dropout rate in these courses is the highest in the centre, although the dropout rates are below the average for other municipalities. However, in the welcome interviews given to students, we also note a significant lack of guidance and are aware that this is an area we have not been covering.

Aims of the project

For the students to: successfully complete their current studies; choose further studies that they like, that they are capable of completing and that lead to official qualifications; enrol for further studies; stay within the education system (in the event that they do not pass their exams).

Target group

  • students

Description of the target group

Students on the preparation course for the intermediate-level and higher-level vocational training entrance examinations.

Staff (selection, evaluation, training, promotion)

This project is carried out with the participation of project representatives from the schools, adult education centres and municipal services, and municipal technicians from participating local authorities. All of the counselling and support activities and workshops are carried out through the Fem Pedagogia association, which aims to offer everyone the possibility of a dignified life and works in coordination with the project representatives on the municipal level.

Methodological approach, activities implemented

Workshops and talks, which provide: an understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the job market, in education and in the personal circumstances of the participants. Motivation to imagine their ideal future and to work each day to achieve it. Individual counselling and support: we work on an individual basis with each person to set out a plan of action and help to focus their thoughts, actions and emotions so that their current actions can help achieve their ideal future. Information: expand the amount of information available, rule out or confirm decisions on possible studies to undertake, news, data, success stories of individual and social action. Focused on overcoming individual or structural barriers to employment (motivation, self-esteem, mental health, economic situation, employment situation, training situation, etc.). The information is posted on the project’s Facebook profile. Self-learning: Those who need it are given self-learning materials and information.

Results and impact - data of program internal/ external evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction, the impact of the didactical practices at individual and institutional level

The results are measured using three tools. Firstly, a satisfaction survey has been designed to be answered by the people participating in the project; secondly, the most important data from the survey have been collected using a questionnaire-type tool; and thirdly, a qualitative project report has been drawn up and an assessment meeting has been held in order to compile the different evaluations and the project evaluation has been checked. Using these tools and evaluations, a report will be drawn up to analyse the data obtained using indicators established at the beginning of the project, and the impact will also be measured by comparing the data in other local authorities where the Road Map has not been implemented.

Conclusions, lessons learned

The people participating in the project gave it a rating of 8.15/10, while the councils gave it a rating of 9/10. It will be necessary to wait for the data collected to be analysed in order to obtain the final results and compare the result in the different geographical areas. One of their most common comments from all the authorities was the need for good coordination between the representatives from the local authorities and the person performing the guidance and support of the participants, in order to work in a more coordinated way.

Directions of further development/ Transferability, replicability

This project was designed so that it would be possible to apply it to other situations, but we will need to wait for the overall assessment to see the scope it may have in subsequent years.

Type of ESL (early school leaving) practice

  • Prevention
  • Intervention
  • Compensation

Web references (url, social media presence)

Portal Orinetació- Diputació de Barcelona: Facebook de Full de Ruta: Portal educadiba - Full de Ruta Cardedeu Full de Ruta Llinars del Vallès - Full de Ruta Canet de Mar - Bones Pràctiques CFA Municipal l'Olivera - Full de Ruta video CFA Municipal l'Olivera - GPS l'Olivera Sant Quirze del Vallès - Inici GPS l'Olivera Sant Quirze del Vallès - 100 alumnes rebran orientació

Parameters on which the practice is applicable (check those appropriate)

  • Governance and coordination
  • Accessibility
  • Methodologies of provision
  • Measures and profiles
  • Common framework and quality standards
  • Evaluation of performance and effectiveness

