School Citizenship: Guidance at school


School Citizenship: Guidance at school

Affiliation(s)/ Institution


Email addresses

Project funded by


Promoter name and country

Apofil - Regione Basilicata ITALIA

Type of provider


Area of implementation

  • urban
  • local

Context and motivation of the project - legislative background/obligations, institutional policy, institutional structures

The guidance interventions at the school system have been one of the major activities undertaken by the APOF-IL through Programs developed by the Agency over the past years. During the School year 2014/2015 have been activated as part of the citizenship education activities "Guidance to the school transition" for students of secondary school level I and "Career guidance: career management skills" for students of secondary school II degree

Aims of the project

To train teachers on guidance systems. For students of first degree: Increase the understanding of themselves and their resources. For students of second grade: Preventing school leaving; increase motivation.

Target group

  • students
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers

Description of the target group

Teachers Secondary school I and II. Students, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of Secondary School degree. Students of the first and second year of secondary school level II. Students of the fifth year of high schools, technical and vocational schools

Staff (selection, evaluation, training, promotion)

Trainers and guidance counselors, project coordinator.

Methodological approach, activities implemented

For teachers: Creation of Modules guidance lasting 16 hours to 100 teachers. For secondary school students of grade I: Development of guidance modules to be developed during the school year in several meetings during the week prior to enrollment in the first year of secondary school level II. Group activities and individual / Seminars. Individual guidance interviews. Preparation of the dossier and the guidance Individual Profile (POI) to be returned to the student, the school and families. For secondary school students of grade II: Implementation of standardized modules guidance for the class to be developed during the school year in most meetings. Group activities and individual. Guidance interviews individual processing of the dossier and the guidance Individual Profile (POI) to be returned to the student and the school.

Results and impact - data of program internal/ external evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction, the impact of the didactical practices at individual and institutional level

Students interested in the orientation activities turn out to be 45 percent of the total students of the school to the third grade and representing 24 percent of the total sole grade II, according to data from the School of the Province Power. It appears that the question of orientation was always greater than the supply, meaning that the schools have made a request rather complex, designed to cover the needs and questions regarding the diversified intermediate classes and not just output (orientation transitions). All this demonstrates, among other things, the potential for development of the guidance service in the region of Basilicata

Conclusions, lessons learned

They were involved in all 38 schools and 1,958 students in Secondary Schools Grade I and 35 schools and 1,136 students of secondary schools of II degree.

Directions of further development/ Transferability, replicability

The project shows that there are great potentials for development of the guidance service, particularly in the region of Basilicata.

Type of ESL (early school leaving) practice

  • Prevention

Parameters on which the practice is applicable (check those appropriate)

  • Governance and coordination
  • Methodologies of provision
  • Competences and skills for practitioners

