Preface before the completion of the checklist
This checklist has been developed as part of the Guiding Cities project. Guiding Cities is an Erasmus + Strategic partnership with the objective of improving guidance services of municipalities and communities with benchmarking and strategic planning tools.
The GCities tools aim to train and prepare communities to review the guidance activities undertaken by diverse actors and strategically plan and coordinate together the necessary actions in order to improve services and reduce early school leaving.
Why do the checklist?
The aim of the checklist is not to assess your skills and effectiveness in delivering Career Guidance services. It is a tool that will help you evaluate and strategically plan your organization’s current guidance services.
The theoretical framework of the checklist is the Guiding Cites Model which was prepared in an earlier stage of the Guiding Cities project. With the completion of the questionnaire you will receive an interpretive feedback report.
This is a pilot administration. By completing the questionnaire you will contribute to an organized European effort to tackle early school leaving and to improve guidance services.
Bellow you will see a number of questions concerning Career Guidance and early school leaving. Please read each statement carefully and select the answer that best describes your opinion.
For each statement there are 5 possible responses on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is Strongly Disagree and 5 is Strongly Agree:
1= Strongly Disagree
2= Disagree
3= Neither agree nor disagree
4= Agree
5= Strongly Agree
Remember you can choose only one answer for each statement. The checklist is untimed.
With completion of the questionnaire you will receive a feedback report.